
I am glad to supervise MA and PhD thesis at the University of Graz and also accept occasional supervision at other universities as external mentor or member of PhD committees.

I am interested to work with MA students and doctoral researchers on their projects in the field of nationalism studies, Western Balkan, democratisation and EU enlargement. I am particularly interested in mentoring thesis in the following fields:

  • Discourses about aging and demographic change in Southeastern Europe (linked to an ongoing VW Stiftung project)
  • De-democratisation, stabilitocracy in the Western Balkans
  • EU integration in the Balkans and rethinking enlargement (linked to an ongoing EU Horizon project REUNIR)

I am available to supervise theses using qualitative research methods and in the field of contemporary history and political science.

My approach:

I believe in critical and independent researchers. I am thus glad to support critical thought and . independent research. I am glad to provide guidance, feedback and support.

My experience:

Mentor to 16 completed PhD thesis at the University of Graz, as well as 1 at the University of Kent.
Supervised more than 100 MA thesis at the University of Graz, CEU, ERMA/Sarajevo.
Mentor for the Austrian Academy of Science Young Researcher Program (ÖAW-Mentoring-Programm für Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen), 2019-2020, 2021-22
Mentor for the Arqus Online Mentoring Programme for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers, 2023-2024
Mentor for 8 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellows
External Examiner for PhDs at the London School of Economics, University Cambridge, Oxford University, European University Institute, Central European University, University of Leuven, University of Belgrade, Scoula Normale Superiore, Westminister University, Aix-Marseille Université, Queen Mary Univesity London, etc.
Member of PhD Commissions or external mentor at University of North Carolina, Central European University, University of Liege, Free University of Berlin, Univeristy of Jena.